

From Miami, FL to anypart of the world. At home everywhere.

33-year-old Multi-Talent turns March 30, 1988. Since she was little, she has dreamed of entertaining the world and continues to deliver on her promise. Studied Theater with Actoral Society, People Fair in high school, professional Hip Hop with PopStarz and Hotshotz. He works jumping between the talents of Acting, Dancing in music videos and is now being his talent and recognized name in the world of film dubbing working on series such as “Black Lightning”, “Tyler Perry’s The Oval”, and much more.

Multi-Talento de 33 años cumple 30 de Marzo 1988. Desde pequeña, ha soñado con entretener al mundo y sigue cumpliendo con su promesa. Estudiado Teatro con Sociedad Actoral, People Fair en la secundaria, Hip Hop professional con PopStarz y Hotshotz. Trabaja brincando entre talentos de Actuación, Baile en videos musicales y ahora está siendo su talento y nombre reconocido en el mundo de doblaje de cine trabajando en series como “Black Lightning”, “Tyler Perry’s The Oval”, y mucho más.